Samples included graduate school applications , sociology dissertation abstracts , and translations of a work by descartes 文章样本包括研究院申请表社会学学位论文文摘和笛卡尔一本著作的译文等。
To appearances through the supply chain topological structure , supply chain is a network which is component with some independent enterprise and semi - independent enterprise . in the first of all , through the supply chain network character , this dissertation abstracted a model that embedded the supply chain essential , namely supply chain integration network model ( scinm ) . the scinm was build based on metagraphs and describe the essential of supply chain commendably 从供应链的拓扑结构来看,供应链是一个网络,即自主或半自主的企业实体构成的网络,本文首先从企业供应链网络性特点出发,抽象出一种体现供应链本质的供应链模型? ?供应链集成网络模型,该模型基于meta图建立,很好的描述了供应链的本质。